Imported Coal

Fully aware of the different quality requirements of our customers, MAXIPACIFIC CORPORATION imports coal from various Indonesian coal mines, ensuring stable supply at competitive price. Below are the various types of our imported coal and their corresponding properties:

Grade A B C D E F
Gross Calorific Value, adb, in kcal/kg 6300-6500 6100-6300 5800-6000 5600-5800 5300-5500 5100-5300
Properties, % by wt.            
Total Moisture 10-15 12-17 15-20 20-26 27-34 30-38
Inherent Moisture 7 7-10 9-12 11-15 15-20 20-26
Fixed Carbon 34-38 32-36 30-36 36-40 36-40 36-40
Volatile Matter 38-41 38-43 38-43 38-43 36-42 34-40
Ash 14 17 14-18 8-12 8-12 8-12
Maximum Sulfur 1 1 1 1 1 1
Size (0-50mm) 90 90 90 90 90 90